Saturday, January 29, 2011


Allergies are the worst! In October we found out that Sean is allergic (4+) to eggs. It hasn't been too hard to deal with because I can give him a lot of fresh fruits and veggies and he likes most meat. There are times that I do get nervous, however. The other day I left him with a babysitter and when I went to pick him up the other kids were eating sugar cookies. The babysitter knows that he as an egg allergy, but was about to give him the cookie. His reaction to a cookie wouldn't have been too bad, probably just a tummy ache and a rash, but I still over-reacted just a tiny bit. (I don't want to ever use the epi-pens that I carry around.)

Sean has been pretty sick over the last month and I finally got an Amoxicillin prescription for him. About 9 days into the prescription he got a rash all over his entire body...turns out he's allergic.

I hope he doesn't get seasonal allergies too!


  1. I'm sorry to hear about the allergies. They stink! We discovered last summer than Chase and Connor have lots of seasonal allergies. We are on lots of medications each day, but Chase is in the hospital with asthma like he use to be so it is worth the med hassle.

    I do not envy food allergies, I would be worried, too. We do co-op with a homeschooling family that has one child with severe allergies to egg, dairy and nuts. And even knowing we're not suppose to bring peanut butter I forgot one week. The mother was so good to check everyone's lunch without anyone realizing she was doing it.

    You'll definitely have to be on your toes, but I think it will become second nature to always be on the look out for potential dangers, just like this mother I refered to.

    Good luck!

  2. oh your mom told me about this. I am really sorry.
